How to uninstall movie toolbar from Internet Explorer
How to uninstall movie toolbar from Internet Explorer
Toolbar are easy to excess your favorite website and handy . Toolbar gives fast excess because they are already in your browser just you have to click on your toolbar, saves time open browser and searching the site which you are looking for.
But some time using many toolbar on your browser makes your computer heavy for memory to load and makes computer slowdown
So lets keep what we need and necessary to keep and throw unnecessary
First steps:
Open Internet explorer
On the left side of your movie download click to arrow
Choose uninstall
Click to it
Wait for conformation Saying toolbar is uninstall
Second Step:
Click to Control panel in start-up
Choose uninstall programs
Look for Movie download
Select it and Click to uninstall
Wait for confirmation saying Movie download toolbar is Uninstall
How to troubleshoot your computer to fix common problem
How to troubleshoot your computer to fix common problem
See related video: How to troubleshoot your computer to fix common problem
Go to computer start-up and click control panel
Type troubleshooting in search bar in control panel
Click to troubleshooting
Look for hardware and Sound and click to Configure a Device
Hardware and Device Dialog Box pop-up
On the bottom of Hardware and Device Box Click to Advance
Check repairs automatically
Click next
Detecting troubleshooter will run in this moment
Click next if need to resolve the problem
Sometime it detect automatically if not system will ask permission to change your setting ,
Saying “allow Driver Update to be install” when this dialogue pop-up
Click to view and change setting
Check Do this automatically
Save it and click next in previous window
After few seconds of time Complete drive update window pop-up
That’s it
Remove All the Search Homepage and toolbar Extension
Remove All the Search Homepage and toolbar Extension
Here are the links which will be directed to the Youtube videos
So choose Which Extension and Homepage need to remove
Post most of them are related to Google chrome
How to make Intro for Your tutorial ,News video Online
How to make Intro for Your tutorial ,News video Online
Intro before your News and tutorials videos defines your video What is coming and How the coming video will be ,That means intro describe some-how presentation of the video
So lets how we can Get some Awesome intro video for Tutorials , Television news and more
Here are some Online Intro maker ,they are free and paid both
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Intro champs are paid intro for all kinds of video which configure as template.
This temple are Easy to Edit with your own image and text.
Look around the display name and category and choose as you like
After choosing you can add your 3 text which is your name , slogan and your Website
Click to save and preview
You can also change your own music by click 1 audio and upload your music as you like
Intromaker very nice perfect intro for your video but bit expensive than introchamp. Intro logo are very easy to edit after choosing your design
Upload your logo .jpg and .png format , give the answer as required by the Intromaker system and ensure to final product
You will receive email with the link to your paypal account to download
Intromaker sales intro through paypal
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Make web Video :
Make web video are web based intro creator which are already design and are paid version which are very long and Even Expensive than intro-maker but you can test the preview for Free .These video are design using After affect
Make web video are web based intro creator which are already design and are paid version which are very long and Even Expensive than intro-maker but you can test the preview for Free .These video are design using After affect
When you are satisfied with the video you can buy the video
Video hive intro are more better quality than other intro and have free intro on them to use .
Video hive have many category so you can choose in many category field video like tutorials, news Etc
Splasheo Reduces time for editing your Video intro. Splasheo video are free to download which are like Videos for news and Subscriber multiplier booster
Subscriber multiplier Booster boost your Subscribers in your video channel
Flixpress intro are more advance than other intro provide . Flixpress is a online studio to make intro video for your every needs and every kinds of video
Register to get free account and video free video also can be edited, there are many other plan like pro ultimate and others
Fiver provide online intro that are already design for you to download.
Fiver intro cost minimum $5 to buy if you additional function than you have to add additional dollar according to your videos
How to make android Launcher stylish Using Start-up program
How to make android Launcher stylish Using Start-up program
Now days ,Every person wants to carry stylish and different Handset than the other people.
People wants Stylish and Latest than his friends ,
So, lets make Our Own Android Phone or Smart-phone Stylish and Something Different than your Friends
Go to Google Play and install Comet 3D launcher
After Finish install Open Comet launcher
Apps will appear to 3D mode and Blue in color with lots of Stylish colorful Background
You change More stylish theme and Background by clicking to setting
If you Like Theme and style of Comet 3D launcher you can Buy it from Google play Which is with More Feature
How to share schedule Blog post url in hootlet and social media
How to share schedule Blog post url in hootlet and social media
Hootlet is a part of hootsuite which allows us to Schedule to share url to many of the social media.
It has the function to setup and add account of Different social media which give lot of of traffic and to the great content you prepare to share for the world
Share you you surf what you like must ,all the world knows good and amazing content on web
Hootlet is free Google chrome Extension which bring power to the hootsuite
Go and search extension in browser Hootsuite Hootlet
Setup all the top social media ,You can choose social application which you want to use
Now lastly come to your browser and click to hoot-let button on right side of the browser to share post Url.
Post will spread all the social media in selected media
That’s all
How to record your call in android Smart-phone
How to record your call in android Smart-phone
Recording your calls helps you for Business,personal and in many ways while in need as proof and reference.
Like if you order something by calls and delivery items came different ,now you have call record and can listen to confirms that the item you order is same or not.
Sometime you plan with your friends somewhere to go or do something.
You forget that now you can check your recorded call get what you forget about
So to do that go to Google play and download call recorder ,apps is free . If you are satisfied with function you can buy full function in Google play
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After download and install your job finish wait the call it will automatically record your call incoming going both
When ever you need just click the recorded call and listen by selecting the calls
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How to remove programs shortcut arrow icon from Desktop in window 7,8
When there are many shortcut arrow icon window desktop looks bit messy. In previous version of window xp icon are more neat and desktop looks perfect Clean .
Lets make our new window 7, 8 and 8.1 all the version and all bytes without arrow icon
Download window shrotcut icon Editor
Extract from the zip folder
Choose window version 7 ,8
Choose supported bytes( 32 , 64) of your system
Simply click to run
Check to Window Default icon to keep Icon
Exit to close
Earn Money around your City doing Simple Task on your Smart-phone
Earn Money around your City doing Simple Task on your Smart-phone
Do you want earn extra money using you Smartphone ? While you traveling around the city or Going have dinner or Shopping in the Big supermarket ?
Every body like to enjoy and have fun meanwhile earning some money
How it is possible that? Follow the Step mentions here below
Go to Google play install Task Spotting
Open and Create Account using Email, fill your address of residence and required information
Confirm verification through your email
Select your mission after email verification
Read the requirement of the mission and proceed to mission
Click to Accept mission If you are happy with the mission
Finish the required target of the mission and earn money after confirmation of finish Mission directly to your Paypal account.
Task Spotting mission are first come first Served so decide first than other Person and Earn more than other
When you refer to your friend using share you will earn without completing any mission ,for simply sharing/
There are more like this mission if you do more mission you are getting rank in higher award winning rewards
How to run window 8 in android smart-phone
How to run window 8 in android smart-phone
World of technology is growing very fast, there is nothing remaning same everyday and every hour
There are many changes going every minutes, like wise we can add window 8 luncher for android smart-phone to make better your smart-phone
Go to Google play and search window 8 luncher
Open it after install
Now you can see the window 8 icon, your same apps appears inside the Square blue box
Click to Home
Select launcher
Look for Window 8 setting to change for your choice
Look for Window 8 setting to change for your choice